Baby is Completely In AWE When Daddy Explains the Miracle of Her

Baby is Completely In AWE When Daddy Explains the Miracle of Her

Angela Markus

Well, this is the cutest thing ever. If this dreamy Dad looks familiar, that’s because you’ve probably seen him more than once or twice before. He is filmmaker and the host of National Geographic’s Brain Games, Jason Silva. Silva is known for sharing his views on the human condition, existentialism and spirituality, but this time he has a new audience. He is describing the miracle that this baby girl is.

The self-described futurist and philosopher looks into his baby’s eyes as he speaks to her, explaining the profoundness that is her existence.

“Now you’re, like, grasping all this amazing information as you map and model the world. You’re growing, you’re learning, you’re expanding, slowly emerging as a thinking being,” says Silva.

It may seem like deep stuff, certainly too deep for this tiny life form to understand, but the adorable baby girl seems to be taking it all in, understanding every word he’s saying.

Holding the baby up, Silva says, “Somehow, literally, like, a piece of software melded together, fused and then it started to turn itself into a living, breathing. You know, it’s like a steak with a brain. You are meat. You grew up inside your mother. You’re like a wetware Android.” Her eyes says it all. 

The entire time Silva is speaking, the look on the baby’s face is priceless. With her beautiful, glaring eyes staring into his, she truly appears to be mesmerized by the incredible universe that made her into a beautiful human being. 

This is too cute for words.

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