Behind The Doors Of This Seemingly Normal Church Lies A Deep, Dark Secret.

Behind The Doors Of This Seemingly Normal Church Lies A Deep, Dark Secret.

Ashley Rego

If you were walking along the street and passed this simple yellow church, you probably wouldn’t think twice about it, right?

With its charming wooden doors, warm inviting colors, and humble decor, I wouldn’t exactly stop in my tracks with a sudden urge to check out what lies inside.

Well little do you know, this small, unassuming chapel is holding one deep, dark secret.

Located in an small, old town in Poland, this quaint looking church, known as Kaplica Czaszek, houses the remains of over 21,000 bodies.

And, yes, it IS as creepy as it sounds!

*All images taken from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland’s flickr page



In the late 1700s, the priest at the time gathered the bones dug up from graves left by the Thirty Years’ War, Silesian Wars and numerous cholera outbreaks.




Intended as a shrine for the dead, the bones were cleaned and thoughtfully arranged throughout the church’s interior.




So the next time you walk past an adorable little church on the side of the street, maybe take a peek inside, and you might be surprised with what you find!


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