He Was Trying To Scam Her Out Of Her Money. When He Heard She Was Pregnant Something AMAZING Happened

He Was Trying To Scam Her Out Of Her Money. When He Heard She Was Pregnant Something AMAZING Happened

Bethany Burrows

Sarah Carr is a pregnant Colorado business owner who received an extremely troubling voicemail one day.

The voice told her that there was a warrant out for her arrest and she was being convicted of tax fraud. They knew all of her personal information, the information about her business and even her home address. Sarah was immediately in a panic and returned the call. She began to cry as she told the man on the other line that she was 9 months pregnant and getting ready to have a baby, she couldn’t go to jail.

The voice on the other end of the phone immediately told her that he was sorry and that they were just trying to scam her. She’s not going to jail and to please stop crying.

A wave of relief washed over her as she realized her baby was safe. She lucked out that this scammer had a heart but she will be more careful if she receives one of these calls in the future.

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