There Is A Lake Full Of Jellyfish In Palau And It’s BEAUTIFUL

Jellyfish Lake

There Is A Lake Full Of Jellyfish In Palau And It’s BEAUTIFUL

Bethany Burrows

When I think of jellyfish, I immediately think of the Friends episode where Monica gets stung and someone has to pee on her to help with the injury.


That being said, swimming with the stinging little sea creatures has never been on my bucket list…until now!

In Palau, there is a lake aptly named “Jellyfish Lake” since the lake is FULL of golden jellyfish. The tea cup sized jellyfish don’t have any predators and have completely taken over the lake.

They have stingers but are too small to be felt by humans which is why there are videos like the one below.


You can snorkel through millions of these tiny creatures as they float around the lake following the path of the sun.

The wall of pink jellyfish seems to be endless as you swim from one side of the lake to the other, sharing space with millions of cotton candy colored little guys. This is something you absolutely have to see to believe!

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