If You Thought Jennifer Lopez Was Perfect Enough, Singing In This Stunning White Dress, Just Wait.

If You Thought Jennifer Lopez Was Perfect Enough, Singing In This Stunning White Dress, Just Wait.

Ashley Rego

Jennifer Lopez swapped spots with her American Idol contestants, as she left her normal place behind the judges’ table, and made her way to the stage. 

Singing “Feel the Light,” Jennifer reminds the world exactly why she deserves a spot at the judges table – with that SPECTACULAR performance, she truly is an American idol

But just when you think that her voice is the highlight of the performance, our attention begins to shift to her elegant dress.  A magical projection of lights is cast down on the stunning white dress to create an enchanted light display that leaves the audience breathless! 

I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a more visually captivating performance!

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