Man Posts Heartbreaking Video To Show Terrible Effect Ecstasy Had On Him

Man Posts Heartbreaking Video To Show Terrible Effect Ecstasy Had On Him

Angela Markus

It’s well-known that teens experiment with illegal substances such as alcohol and marijuana. But the advent of more illicit drugs is causing some detrimental side effects. Jordy Hurdes almost died after taking a bad ecstasy pill and has now posted a warning asking for others to “say no to drugs”.

Hurdes posted the PSA while still in hospital recovering saying, “I myself am lucky to be alive now.” After his written warning, he uploaded a clip of himself experiencing a severe reaction to drugs. He wanted to document the physical damage the drugs had caused.

Hurdes looks into the camera and says, “It’s a waiting game at the moment to see whether I’ll have permanent jerking like I do now, and with my stutter I’m not sure it will get better anytime soon. But just, please guys, don’t get sucked in. It all seems like fun and games and a cheap $25 pill, but it’s not worth it.”


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He did not reveal when he took the pill, or whether he took more than one. In the emotional message, he begs other young Australians to stay strong and say no to drugs. “Be the stronger person, say no to drugs. If not, do it for me.” He invites people to share the video to ensure as many people as possible hear his message. It could help save someone else’s life.

Please SHARE and pass it on.