Country musician Josh Turner wrote a song back in ’99 as a young, broke college student that he didn’t think anyone would ever want to hear.
Little did he know, this song would one day be heard on stereos, record players and radios all over the world!
Josh began receiving stories from people of all types on how this song changed or even saved their lives. Stories that helped Josh realize just how powerful music can really be.
He decided to use this power, and this song, to help make a special someone’s dream come true. Logan Blade has autism so severe that he can barely speak, let alone have a true conversation with someone. That is, until you put a microphone with him. This is when he transforms into the real Logan Blade.
In this video, Josh grants Logan Blade’s wish to sing his favorite song, “The Long Black Train” with the superstar himself, up on the Grand Ole Opry Stage. And to everyone’s surprise, Logan has quite the voice, complete with that good ole country twang!
Watch how the gift of music can truly be life changing and SHARE the love and pass it on!