Moms Desperately Try To Get Their Kids To Say, “Mom” For The First Time..

Babies Can't Say Mom

Moms Desperately Try To Get Their Kids To Say, “Mom” For The First Time..

Patrick Dangermond

Every mother waits for the day that her child says that one word, “Mom”.

Moms everywhere coach their kids to say that magic word that will melt her heart. Unfortunately, the kids don’t always cooperate. Nothing personal Mom, they’re just learning!

This video is a compilation of different moms desperately trying to get their kids to say, “Mom” for the first time…and not listening very well.

In fact, most of them seem to be in favor of their dad! Don’t worry moms, I’m sure the kid will come around some time! At least the last kid got it right. You won’t believe what he says!

If you liked these babies, you’ll definitely like this baby’s dreamy nap time!

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