These Are The Last 5 People Alive From The 1800s And They’re Letting Us In On The Secret To A Long Life!

These Are The Last 5 People Alive From The 1800s And They’re Letting Us In On The Secret To A Long Life!

Ashley Rego

It’s hard to believe it, but these five people were all born in the 1800s. Before cars were made readily available, before women had a right to vote, and before television was even a thing…these women were all alive and kicking!

To add to these women’s incredible feat, the life expectancy for people in the U.S., when these ladies were born, was just around 60 years old! Take that, expectations! 

Clearly these amazing women are doing something right! Now between 115 and 116 years old, the 5 oldest people in the world are letting us in on their advice for living a long…a very, very long…life!


Misao Okawa (116 years old)

Eat and sleep and you will live a long time…You have to learn to relax.”


Gertrude Weaver (116 years old)

You have to follow God. Don’t follow anyone else…Be obedient and follow the laws and don’t worry about anything. I’ve followed him for many, many years and I ain’t tired.”


Jeralean Talley (115 years old)

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, that’s my way of living.”


Susannah Mushatt Jones (115 years old)

You can never get too old to wear fancy stuff.”


Emma Morano-Martinuzzi (115 years old)

One raw and one cooked egg daily.”

So if you’ve been searching for the secrets to living a nice, long life..take it from these five ladies…I think they know what they’re talking about!

And don’t forget to SHARE with your friends!!


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