She Set Up a Lemonade Stand To Earn Money For a Tablet. Then a Cop Surprised Her With One

She Set Up a Lemonade Stand To Earn Money For a Tablet. Then a Cop Surprised Her With One

Erika Carter

There is nothing better than a refreshing glass of lemonade in these hot summer months. Whenever I see a young child selling lemonade, I always stop and buy some. It can make the day of these sweet kids, beginning their role of being an entrepreneur in a world full of endless possibilities.

On this day, Officer Ropos of Ohio stopped by Gabrielle Garcar lemonade stand to ask about her business. As she explained what she was doing she informed him that she would be using her earnings to buy a new tablet she’s been wanting. Unfortunately, Gabrielle had an uphill battle as she was selling her lemonade for fifty cents a cup.


After their talk, this officer did something amazing. Not only did he buy a cup of her lemonade — he also bought her the tablet she’s been wanting!


“I knew her lemonade stand wasn’t going to bring in enough money for a tablet,” he says. as reported by Viral Nova. “But seeing that she was willing to work for what she wanted, I was willing to help her. People have helped me out in my life, so it was kind of a pay-it-forward type of thing.”

Officer Ropos is exactly the kind of officer that we need! We all could use a helping hand at one point or another in our lives and it’s truly amazing to see someone pay it forward like this. I’m sure this is something she’ll never forget!

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