Little Girls Run Into The Law After Selling Lemonade Without Health Permit

Little Girls Run Into The Law After Selling Lemonade Without Health Permit

Jamaica Bravo

It’s every American’s favorite childhood memory, long summer days selling lemonade on the street for 25 cents a pop! No summer was complete without the beloved lemonade stands that stood on every street corner in town. It was this memory that one Texas mother wanted to pass down to her daughters this summer, but thanks to one nit-picky cop, it became a memory short lived.

Sisters, Andria and Zoey Green were hosting a lemonade stand one afternoon to raise money for a Father’s Day gift, when they experienced their first run-in with the law. Because the girls didn’t have a health permit to sell their lemonade, one cop shut the stand down. “What in the world is going on here?!” seven-year-old Andrea Green exclaimed. “We were doing just fine until the cops came.”

According to the Texas House Bill 970, there are limited food items that could be sold without a permit, like vinegar and pickles. But despite the strict business regulations, the girls found a way to reopen their stand by simply giving it away because, after all, it’s the experience that they really wanted anyway.

What do you think about this cop’s decision to enforce the law on these young entrepreneurs? Whether you stand for or against the law, there’s no denying these girls learned a valuable lesson in life: when life hands you lemons, make your very own lemonade stand to help the greater good!

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