Get ready for some smiles this morning, ‘cause this little boy’s excitement over his Halloween costume is absolutely contagious. From the second his Dad asks him, “Drewy, what are you going to be for Halloween?”, and little Drew got that ear-to-ear smile on his face, I couldn’t even handle!
He is just too cute!
“A package guy!” Drewy jumps up and starts exclaiming, “If you doesn’t give you these [the packages off screen that the two little kids are making] then I’m not a package guy! If I give you these, I’m a package guy, okay? AND I’M A PACKAGE GUY!”
Holy moly! It’s just too precious. I can’t get over it. Little Drew can’t stop hopping up and down, dancing around, and declaring his happiness, while meanwhile, his older sister, who is clearly his companion in all things, is sitting on the steps writing “letters” to go in the box for Drewy to deliver door to door on Halloween. Guess that mean’s that Drew and his sister aren’t the only ones getting treats when Drewy knocks doors while Trick-or-Treating. Sounds like every neighbor in the house, is getting a personalized letter from this generous delivery man.
I think my favorite part of the whole video, however, is the Dad’s bemused and bemuddled comment about how surprising it is that this weird hand-me-down costume is such a big hit with his little son. Who knew that package delivery men were so appreciated?!
I hope every UPS, FedEx, and USPS worker in this country sees this video and realizes that at least one little kid, not only appreciates their hard work, but is thrilled to be one of them this Halloween!
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