Little Boy Stops The Entire Little League Game To Give His Dad The CUTEST Message. I’m In Stitches!

Little Boy Stops The Entire Little League Game To Give His Dad The CUTEST Message. I’m In Stitches!

Angela Markus

Sports can bring out the competitive nature in almost anyone, but this little leaguer has his priorities straight. With his dad serving as first base coach and the cameraman, the young athlete interrupted the game with an adorable message, making it very clear he puts family first.

The clip shows the little boy standing firm at the home plate awaiting the baseball toss so he can knock it straight out of the park. When he slams his bat into the stitched-up leather ball that goes flying across the field, he has no idea what to do next. For a few seconds, he just stands there with his bat slung over his shoulder.

He eventually gets moving after his coach yells at him to run to first base. The tiny kid sprints to first base like a pro, but stops suddenly because of a very important message he had to give to his father.

The adorable boy says, “Hey! I gotta tell you something,” even though Dad encourages him to run to the next base. But there’s really only one response that will satisfy the kid, so Daddy, of course, says, “What?” 

Little Babe Ruth then responds, “I like you, and I love you,” to which dad replies with a chuckle, “I like you, too. I love you, too! Run to second!”

Pleased with daddy’s answer, the little leaguer scurries off to second base to make his papa proud.

If only they stayed this age forever!

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