Don’t get this little girl fired up — she’s got an opinion and she’s certainly not afraid to share it! There’s nothing more adorable than when a little kid goes off on a rant, especially when they’re as sassy as this little firecracker!
Kids really do say the darndest things, case in point – Josie, the star of this ridiculously cute video. According to YouTuber Erick Palonen, Josie is a D.I.T. – diva in training. After watching this video I definitely understand why!
Josie is very upset in this video and refusing to talk to Mimi, because apparently Mimi said a ‘bad’ word. She goes off on a tangent explaining how upset she is and how it’s not ok Mimi said this word. She starts listing off people she is talking to, but unfortunately Mimi is not on that list.
They keep asking her questions about why she’s so upset and who she is and isn’t talking to, and every time her responses get cuter and cuter! She may be little, but this D.I.T. can argue with the best of them!
SEE what word it was that Mimi said that got Josie all fired up! When you listen to her argument you wont be able to hold back a smile. If you’re having a bad day, this adorable little girl will instantly turn your frown upside down.
See what this sassy little girl has to say and be sure to SHARE with your friends!