If You’ve Ever Seen The Lion King, You Know Exactly How This Little Girl Is Feeling

If You’ve Ever Seen The Lion King, You Know Exactly How This Little Girl Is Feeling

Kendall Conners

I remember begging my parents to take me to go see it and after much convincing, they finally caved. We waited in a line that wrapped around the entire movie theater. Once we finally got to the box office, we purchased our tickets, got a giant tub of popcorn and Junior Mints (of course), and settled into our seats, anxiously waiting for the show to start.

From the second the film started I was completely captivated. “The Lion King” was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The music, the story, the characters — all of it was revolutionary. Disney changed the game of animated movies with the release of this iconic movie.

“The Lion King” is a movie that will live on forever and be enjoyed by many generations to come. There’s one specific scene in that movie that tugs on our heartstrings every single time. I think you know what I’m talking about. One word: Mufasa.

The adorable little girl in this video experienced what we’ve all gone through many times before, the death of Mufasa. As she’s watching, Dad’s recording and luckily he gets her entire adorable reaction on film!

If you’ve ever seen “The Lion King” then you’ve probably felt like this little girl at one point or another.

See her heartbreakingly cute reaction and remember to SHARE the love, pass it on