LOL I Can’t Believe What This Baby Is Doing In Mommy’s Tummy!

LOL I Can’t Believe What This Baby Is Doing In Mommy’s Tummy!

Ashley Rego

Looks like we’ve got another Jeff Gordon on our hands….

Lol, okay so this baby may not ACTUALLY be pretending to drive a race car, but with the sound effects, it certainly looks like it! In fact, I would be willing to bet that this tiny one will one day become the next NASCAR star!

Watch as the sonogram shows a baby making some…interesting…movements. It’s incredible how they so closely mimic the motions of driving a car. 

I applaud the person who edited the video with the sound effects, the results are hilarious! 

If you enjoyed this silly video as much as I did, be sure to SHARE with your friends for a quick laugh!