With my current obsession with the tiny house movement, I’ve come across many different and uniquely awesome tiny homes during my research. But THIS cozy cottage is one I have never seen before!
About four years ago Mira and Jeremy Thompson decided to set out to create their own version of a tiny home. The result? One of the most impressive (and adorable) homes I’ve yet to see!
However, there’s one thing that sets THIS home apart from the other tiny homes out there. Can you guess what it is?!

It’s not this incredibly quaint kitchen!

Nor is it this comfy bedroom, complete with a wood burning stove!

And it certainly isn’t this awesome loft above the bedroom, surrounded by a wood paneled ceiling.

And it’s definitely not this humble bathroom, retro kitchen, or amazing setup.
Are you ready for it….?

That’s right! This amazing home was transformed into the charming living space that it is from a classic yellow school bus!