Make Pizza Buns Right In Your Own Kitchen!

Pizza Buns

Make Pizza Buns Right In Your Own Kitchen!

Sophia Gioiello

There are few things in this life that are better than a perfectly doughy, savory tomato-sauce slathered, overly cheesy slice of pizza. This classic comfort food is the go-to meal for just about everyone!

Whether you prefer to devour a deep dish pie or a crispy thin crust slice, the decadent flavors never fail! Just when you thought you’ve tasted it all, this food-lovin’ blogger came up with a whole new twist on regular pizza.

Savory Notes covered homemade pizza dough with garlic butter, marinara sauce and pepperoni.

Then the innovative chef thought of the best idea – “What if I rolled the dough like a cinnamon roll?”

The pizza buns are topped off with a hefty about of melted cheese as the “frosting,” because who are we kidding, there’s no such thing as too much cheese!

The ingredients for the pizza dough include: 

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1.5 oz of sugar
  • 3 oz unsalted butter, melted
  • 6 oz buttermilk
  • 20 oz all-purpose flour
  • 1 package instant dry yeast, approximately 2 1/4 teaspoons
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt

Once you have all of your ingredients for the dough, follow the instructions below:

– Whisk together eggs, sugar, buttermilk, and butter. Add about 2 cups of the flour, along with the salt and the package of yeast. Stir together to combine.

– Add all but 3/4 cup of flour, and knead for 5 minutes. Dough should be soft, but not sticky. If it is sticky, add more flour. Continue kneading for another 5 minutes (Now you’ve been kneading for 10 minutes total. Either by hand, or with a stand mixer.).

– Lightly oil a large bowl. Place ball of dough in bowl, and cover for 2 1/2 hours in a warm place.

– After 2 1/2 hours, your dough should be nice and risen and puffy. Flour your work surface and roll out dough into a rectangle.

The ingredients for the filling include:

  • Pepperoni (or any other topping you prefer)
  • 3 oz salted butter butter, softened
  • 2 Tbsp garlic powder
  • 1/3 c marinara sauce

Once the garlic butter covers the homemade dough, add the sauce and pepperoni!

The next set of instructions are as follows:  

– Gently roll up into a log and pinch the ends closed. Refrigerate log for at least 20 minutes

– Cut rolls, place in greased pan, and put inside cold oven

– Put a pan of hot boiling water on the rack underneath the pan of rolls, and close the oven door. Leave the oven door closed for 30 minutes

– After 30 minutes, take out pan of water, and pan of rolls, and preheat oven to 350°. Bake rolls for 25-30 minutes, or until tops are brown and cooked throughout.

Don’t forget that ooey, gooey “frosting!” You can use an Italian blend of parmesan or the simplicity of your favorite mozzarella!

How can you say no to a cheesy pizza bun like that?!

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