How To Make S’mores Dip

Smores Dip

How To Make S’mores Dip

Ashley Rego

The fiery aroma penetrating your clothes, the blazing flames warming your sunburnt face, and the oozing marshmallow that has found its way to every part of your body, except for your mouth – gotta love campfires!

We all know that no campfire would be complete without those melty, gooey fireside treats we wait all year to get our hands on! There’s only one problem. S’mores can leave quite the mess. Particularly if you have young kids stuffing the sugary treats into their mouths. I’m talking sticky fingers (heck, sticky arms, necks, faces – you name it) that require more than just a little wet nap!

The ladies over at POPSUGAR have discovered a way to put an end to this madness, without denying anyone the long awaited summertime treat. The solution? S’mores dip!

That’s right, everything you love about the classic gooey sandwich all broken down into one, easy-to-eat, heaven-sent dip! Oh, and I forgot to mention the best part. This dip takes s’mores to the next level, incorporating a sneaky layer of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for a little nutty surprise! 

Watch the full recipe in the video below (try not to drool) and SHARE the love and pass it on!