This Husband Had a Wandering Eye. Only To Realize He’s ‘Cheated’ On His Wife With His Wife

This Husband Had a Wandering Eye. Only To Realize He’s ‘Cheated’ On His Wife With His Wife

Angela Markus

Entertainer and dad of four, Jason Hewlett, went to Target to purchase some items when he was stunned by the beauty of a woman standing in the checkout line in front of him. The encounter was so impactful that he had to share it on Facebook, and now that his post has gone viral, many have a lot to say.

“Wow, some lucky guy is with her,” he thought, before realizing that the woman he was gawking at was his wife. The 37-year-old had no idea that his wife was at the same store at the same time.

He said seeing his wife unexpectedly gave him a fresh perspective on their marriage and made him reflect on his good fortune. “I was taken aback by how amazingly beautiful she is once again,” he wrote. “I believe I see it often, but today, not knowing she was at the store, I saw her with new eyes and just couldn’t believe I get to be her fella.”



He went on, “I was so pleased to see her in complete confidence on this day, as the independent, capable, humble, fun, sweet, kind, awesome person she is….And then she grabbed her things and walked out the door. I never said anything, didn’t flag her down, just watched her walk away, admiringly, knowing she’s my wife, and I love everything about this woman.”

I am sorry men, but Jason just took the ‘melt every woman’s heart award.’ What do you think about Hewlett’s post?

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