He Made An Illegal Turn And Gets Pulled Over By A Cop. His Response Will Amaze You.

He Made An Illegal Turn And Gets Pulled Over By A Cop. His Response Will Amaze You.

Jamaica Bravo

We no longer need to leave our homes to be aware of the chaos happening all around us. With just a click of a button, we witness countless inhumane acts of violence, racism, and hatred occurring outside our doors. Given the high profile killings of black men by white cops, it’s easy to say there’s a racial problem in America.

But one African-American man recently had an encounter with a Caucasian officer that encouraged him to take his two cents to social media.

Meet Will Stack, a 22-year-old Army National Guardsman who was recently pulled over by a cop in Lexington, South Carolina . Minutes after the incident, Will takes out his phone and records what had happened. What he shares with the world is a raw and honest perspective that may sound peculiar at first, but purely because it’s not so common to hear something like this today.

“Usually I don’t do these kinds of videos but I felt like this one was necessary,” he begins.

Will admits he made an illegal turn and he was in the wrong. His interaction with the cop was not only peaceful, but legitimate, the sole reason why he wants to share his story with the world.

“People need to understand not all officers are crooked, not all officers are racist, bad people. And not all people who get shot, tased or arrested by officers are innocent victims.” He continues, “Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you’re a victim. Just because you’re white doesn’t mean you’re a racist.”

In contrary to what’s currently reflected in media today, Will continues to declare that people need to stop labeling one another and view them as who they truly are, “people, doing jobs, doing things.”

This young man, with the certainty that media has an undeniable influence on society, ends with, “Ignorance has no color. God doesn’t see color. Why should we?”

It’s no wonder why this two minute declaration is going viral. It’s nothing like we’ve ever heard before.

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