Man Pleads Guilty To Killing Former Boy Scout Leader Who Molested Him As a Child

Man Pleads Guilty To Killing Former Boy Scout Leader Who Molested Him As a Child

Angela Markus

The Boy Scout associations provide many youths with the opportunities to try new things, build some self-confidence, enhance their ethical standards, and help others. Clark Fredericks can tell a different story of his Boy Scouts experience as a child.

Carl Fredericks had his day in court as he pled guilty to killing his former Boy Scouts leader, Dennis Pegg, three decades after years of sexual assault and rape. Carl sobbed in a Sussex county courtroom as he described the events that started when he was just eight-years-old and continued to the age of 12.

The dramatic testimony described how the horrible ordeals started. Dennis Pegg wanted to see and touch a heart surgery scar Carl had gotten when he was six years old.  What allegedly followed was years of childhood abuse. People in the courtroom cried as Mr. Fredericks described the mortifying events. Carl went on to portray how Dennis would torture animals, and told him the same would happen to him if he were to ever tell anyone.

As an adult, Carl remained silent because of the feelings of shame, but those feelings transformed into something much darker when he saw images of disgraced American Football coach, Gerald Sandusky, with his lawyer during his child molestation trial.

Mr. Frederick believed that Dennis Pegg, like Sandusky, would never be held accountable for his crimes. Carl imploded, and the result was murder. He asked a friend, Bob Reynolds to drive him to Pegg’s house in Stillwater, New Jersey. There, Carl stabbed Dennis Pegg numerous times and ultimately ended his life by slitting his throat.

After pleading guilty to passion provocation manslaughter, Clark could face five to 10 years in prison. The video shows a courtroom erupting in applause as he exited the courtroom. He will receive knowledge of his sentence in September.

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