Man Sings to His 93-Year-Old Dying Wife and It’ll Break Your Heart

Man Sings to His 93-Year-Old Dying Wife and It’ll Break Your Heart

Angela Markus

You are going to need boxes of tissues to get through this one. There are many touching videos of heartbreaking moments all over the Internet, but this one will surely fill your eyes with tears and tug at your heartstrings unlike any other. Watch as this 92-year-old man sings a love song to his dying 93-year-old wife as she lies in a hospital bed.

The couple’s granddaughter, Erin Solari, captured the beautiful moment of her grandfather Howard serenading his wife Laura, singing Rosemary Clooney’s version of You’ll Never Know.

Lying in a hospital bed, and clearly weak, Laura tells her husband how much she loves him, and that he must ‘behave’. Then the music starts up before Laura attempts to whisper the words to Howard. When he realizes what she is doing, he takes over and sings the rest of the song, looking deep into her eyes and touching her face.

Too much for words!

Off camera, family members can be heard sobbing as the couple share some of Laura’s last moments together.

The granddaughter shares the moment on Facebook with the caption, “I was lucky enough to capture this precious, heart-melting moment between the two of them. Howard (Grandpa) is singing to her their love song, the song that comforted her when he went away to fight in World War II.”

Although Laura maybe too weak to sing, that doesn’t stop her from saying the words to him.

This is the most powerful display of love I have ever seen! Do you agree?

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