He’s 71-Years-Old But Still Manages To Get Stuck In Situations Where Only Mom Can Help!

He’s 71-Years-Old But Still Manages To Get Stuck In Situations Where Only Mom Can Help!

Bethany Burrows

There is no better feeling than when you get home from a long road trip and can finally stretch your legs! 

71-year-old Clint Chadbourne of Portland, Maine wanted to step out for a mid-journey stretch when he discovered that his seat belt refused to release and was holding him hostage.

His seat belt was in lock position and lodged around his belly and under his arm. How it got like that? No idea!

Instead of helping Clint resolve the situation, his family decided to have some good-natured fun and started uncontrollably laughing. Clint’s wife Bonnie began filming while his mom tried … and failed to release him.

While his mom and wife were miserably failing at controlling their laughter, Clint went on and on about the “defective” belt and how his mom was only making the belt tighter.

After the camera was turned off and the laughter was controlled, Clint was freed from his belt and they were able to go on with their journey. Luckily he had a good sense of humor and let his wife upload this video!

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