Man Yells Racial Slur at Judge, Then Receives an Extra 60 Days

Man Yells Racial Slur at Judge, Then Receives an Extra 60 Days

Angela Markus

A Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens was not about to tolerate any racial slur being yelled in his court. Judge Stevens had just revoked the bond for Adam Satterly on drug charges when deputies were taking him into custody, and Satterly decided to shout out some parting words: “Punk a** ni***r.”

Stevens, who could hear the shouting while Satterly was out in the hallway, had the deputies bring Satterly back into the courtroom. He then asked, “Is there something that you wish to say to me?”

Satterly, whose attorney had left by this time, claimed that the phrase was not meant for him. He said he was shouting at his brother, “No, no, no, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Oh, you didn’t mean it like that?”  Stevens shot back. He told Satterly that he would be holding him in contempt of court for his language. “You don’t speak those words in here. And that word particularly, you don’t use that word. I’m going to give you 60 days for having used that word. I’m going to hold you in contempt right now for having used it in this courtroom. It’s disrespectful; don’t ever do it again,” the judge commanded.

Stevens is the same judge who recently made headlines claiming that top prosecutor Tom Wine wanted “all white” juries; he dismissed juries for their racial makeup, prompting controversy. He also made news for criticizing a white couple who claimed that their 5-year-old daughter was still scared of black men after being held at gunpoint.

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