Man’s Quick Thinking Saves Kids from Drowning

Man’s Quick Thinking Saves Kids from Drowning

Angela Markus

Thanks to recording devices, we have the opportunity to witness countless acts of bravery. Like this dramatic rescue from inside a flooded house. In the Middle Eastern nation of Jordan, a young woman captured a group of men risking their lives to knock out a window and save the children who were trapped inside.

In the beginning, a man is seen desperately trying to find a way to break a window of the home as water surges out. Soon he is seen knocked back down to the ground by the heavy water streaming out the window. After several people tried, it was not until the third guy quickly climbed on and, amid the rush of water, was able to gain his footing and hammer away the window.

When he was successful at breaking the window. The gushing water carried what appears to be the bodies of four people who were desperately pressed against the window. The compelling rescue from the flooded house came after hours of heavy rain in Jordan, which has left many homes, tunnels, and roads flooded in the city of Amman.

Many people had to abandon their homes and cars to escape the floods caused by a torrential 40-minute downpour, according to local reports. The nation has seen a week of unpredictable and violent weather, with an unseasonal sand storm the day before the flooding.


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