Family Discovers Something Disgusting Hiding In Their New Mattress

Family Discovers Something Disgusting Hiding In Their New Mattress

Erika Carter

Even though this video is in Spanish, the horribleness of this mattress company is very well understood. When this family bought this brand “new” mattress they did not expect to find what they did.

When started opening up this mattress from its protective wrapping- signifying it was new- they discovered a disturbing smell emanating from it. Knowing that this mattress was supposed to be brand new, they had to see why this horrible smell was coming from it.

So, the family started to take apart this supposedly new mattress. They began to cut the top layer off to see if there was something inside, but soon after cutting the top off the family discovered what seemed to be another “top layer” underneath.

The other top layer had mold and mildew all over it and almost just fell off the mattress! Underneath the top was a padding that most mattresses have on top of the springs- but this padding seemed to be very old and had spots all over it, which could only be assumed as mold and mildew.

Once the family started removing this padding it seemed to be so worn out and old that it practically disintegrated. The family then started taking the bottom off as well to make sure what they were thinking was really true, that this “new” bed was not new at all, not even close.

They wanted to prove that within their supposedly ‘new’ mattress was another old and falling apart mattress with springs inside of it, complete with a new layer of top material to make it seem new — but the rancid smell emanating from this mattress fooled no one.

This was a very nasty and horrible thing for this mattress company to do to its customers. Not only is the bed old and nasty but it could also be filled with all kinds of bugs and harmful germs!

Watch this horrifying video and SHARE this scary news with your friends!