Military Trucks Driving Underwater Are The Coolest Thing Ever!

Military Trucks

Military Trucks Driving Underwater Are The Coolest Thing Ever!

Erika Carter

The military is a fundamental part of our culture. The United States Marine Corp, Army, Air Force, Navy, and the Coast Guard are all branches of the military that do everything they can to protect us.

The video below shows two National Guard vehicles going through the water of flooded areas left over by Hurricane Irene.

Although a regular car would die trying to cross these waters, the vehicles used by the National Guard were having no problem getting across. It was even mentioned, by the individual taking the video, that one of the drivers had the window down!

Although we don’t know where these trucks were headed we aren’t worried about whether or not they got there! We are so thankful to all the members of the military who are trained to complete the task at hand no matter what type of living conditions they encounter, what type of weather conditions they must undergo, or even the level of danger.

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