Mischievous Baby Pranks Dad Into Thinking She’s Hurt

Mischievous Baby Pranks Dad Into Thinking She’s Hurt

Erika Carter

In a video uploaded to Facebook, a little prankster scares her dad into thinking he cut her while trimming her nails.

After taking the clippers to her nails, his daughter shrieks out in pain. Thinking that he hurt her, the dad of course freaks out — only to be met with hilarious giggles from his little girl. Turns out, she just loves scaring her dad.

The clips is absolutely adorable and shows that you can never be too young to have a healthy sense of humor. That being said, we would be a tad bit worried if we were her parents. What’s next? Prank phone calls? Saran wrap in the toilet? A “kick me” sign on her dad’s back?

Regardless of what the future holds, this little trickster is seriously adorable! Her parents are in for a lot of laughs.

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