Her Dying Daughter Slipped Into A Coma. What Mom Does For Her Is Beyond Beautiful…

Her Dying Daughter Slipped Into A Coma. What Mom Does For Her Is Beyond Beautiful…

Sophia Gioiello

The Lourenco parents grew accustomed to doctor’s visits and hospital check ups, but the pain in their daughter’s eyes was something they could never get used to. Every parent hopes and prays that their child is healthy and thriving, but unfortunately, Lindsey Lourenco had beed battling Leukemia for half of her life.

She was just 18 years old when she slipped into a coma early one morning. Rather than her parents mourning over her final days on Earth, her mother decided to celebrate her daughter’s life with a song. She sits beside her crippled daughter in the hospital bed and sings the lyrics she wrote about her strong and caring daughter.

Although heartbroken, she is able to look at the positives of her life and the beautiful daughter she was blessed with.

Listen to the breathtaking lyrics she sings to her as she falls further into an inevitable sleep. It will truly move you to tears.

As always, make sure to SHARE the love and pass it on.