Mom Surprises Grandma With Not Just a Onesie, But Her Granddaughter!

Mom Surprises Grandma With Not Just a Onesie, But Her Granddaughter!

Jamaica Bravo

Laura and her husband, Josh, have wanted a new baby for ages, but haven’t been able to conceive. Since Laura’s mother, with whom she has always been very close, was an adopted child, and since Mom always talked about what a wonderful, monumental gift it had been for her to find a new, stable family, the couple decided it would be the best present in the world for them to give her an adopted granchild.

A year ago, the young couple told Laura’s mom that they had begun the adoption process, but none of them had realized how terribly lengthy and involved the process is nowadays. After a year of waiting, Laura’s mom wanted the new baby almost more than Laura did. The ache in her want-to-be-grandma’s chest had grown unbearable. She felt as though she had so much love to give; she just wanted a little grandchild to cherish and hold close to her heart before she got too old to help care for it. When her daughter’s wedding anniversary came around, the adoption agency still hadn’t found the couple a child and Laura’s mom had just about given up hope.

Her good friend and coworker told her to be ready for a visit from her daughter that day, so Mom waited patiently near the door for her adult daughter to arrive. To her surprise, Laura came in alone, without her husband, holding a small gift bag and a video camera. Naturally confused, Mom asked where Josh was, and was told he’d be in, “in a moment”, and that her daughter was videotaping the gift-giving for him. Still confused by her daughter’s air of secrecy, Mom shrugged and began to unwrap the tissue paper, joking “Is there a baby in here?” Understanding her frustration, everyone laughed. But little did the soon-to-be-granny know that the real reason they were laughing was because they had an even bigger surprise up their sleeves that day, and the present she had been handed was a sweetly contrived hint at the real gift waiting for her just around the corner.

Opening up the gift bag, Laura’s mom shrieked in surprise and excitement, for in her hands she held the most adorable black and pink polka dotted girl’s onesie. Though we’re sure you can guess what happened next, we’ll let you watch this video to find out, because Granny’s reaction as she was led around the corner to find the second half of her gift is utterly priceless.

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