This Mom Has a Few Things To Say To Her College Son Who Forgot To Call Her– And We Can’t Stop Laughing!

This Mom Has a Few Things To Say To Her College Son Who Forgot To Call Her– And We Can’t Stop Laughing!

Erika Carter

With fall semesters just beginning, moms around the world are currently experiencing what it’s like to have their babies away from home for the first time ever.

While some moms and dads probably high-fived and high-tailed it to Vegas or Europe after dropping Junior off at his dorm, there are many parents out there who are struggling with being empty nesters. And, to add insult to injury, some of their kids just aren’t calling home like they promised they would.

Side Note: If you’re a college student and you’re reading this, take it as a reminder to please call your parents!

Anyway, after growing tired of not hearing from her son, one mom decided to taking things into her own hands and get him to call her the only way she knew how: by embarrassing him…maybe almost to death.

Facebook user, Ann Pinto McCartney, posted a video on her son’s wall where she talks about how much she misses him now that he’s away — and how he doesn’t call like he said he would. While that alone might be enough to make some 18-year-olds literally keel over and die, McCartney takes it a step further by delving into embarrassing moments from his birth — she mentions her C-section! — to how, as a toddler, he refused to walk because he didn’t want to be separated from her, to how she was his dedicated chauffeur until he got his license.

For nearly 5 minutes, McCartney goes on and on and on about her son’s embarrassing moments. And, well, parts of it are a little uncomfortable to watch… but we can’t stop laughing!

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