Mom Sends Her 13-Year-Old A Tough-Love Letter Complete With A Bill

Mom Sends Her 13-Year-Old A Tough-Love Letter Complete With A Bill

Angela Markus

It seems as though in today’s society, parents must evolve to deal with their very super smart kids. Some problems may be the same, but how they are dealt with requires some tweaking.

A single mom was angry about her son’s disregard for her rules. She said her 13-year-old lied about his homework, and was falling behind in school. The teen said his mom wasn’t the boss of him and even claimed he could pay his own way in the house.

Not willing to put up with his attitude any longer, mom penned an interesting note, telling her son that if he wanted to act like an adult, he’d have to pay his way like one.



The tough love letter detailed the responsibilities her son now had as well as financial commitments. Posting it on Facebook was enough to get his attention as well as the attention of thousands of people–sending the letter viral.

His monthly bills would now include Rent: $430, Electricity: $116, Internet: $21, Food: $150.

In an update, Mom wrote that her son initially disregarded the note and stormed out when he saw it, but later came around. The young man has since apologized and is working on getting back items that were taken away by mom.

She insists she’s not disciplining him, but rather teaching him about the real world. “He wants the perks of growing up without the responsibility that comes with it.”

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