These Two Youngsters Take Monkey See, Monkey Do To A Whole New Level!

Monkey See Monkey Do

These Two Youngsters Take Monkey See, Monkey Do To A Whole New Level!

Bethany Burrows

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery and the lovable video proves it to be true! This baby gorilla and his new friend are playing an epic game of copy-cat that has the whole zoo coming to watch!

There may be a thick glass dividing the two, but there nothing that is stopping the bond that this little girl and baby monkey have with one another.

While at the zoo, a little girl peeks inside the monkey exhibit and notices a furry friend she’d like to play with. As she waves her arms and runs along the glass wall, the gorilla follows along, mimicking her every move! Their encounter is so silly and is a great reminder that animals are just like us – playful and friendly!

Thankfully mom was there to capture this on camera because this is a truly amazing day they’ll never want to forget!

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