Easy Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs Recipe (Shhh! They’re Low Fat!)

Easy Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs Recipe (Shhh! They’re Low Fat!)

Genevieve Lopez

Dinner just got a whole lot easier and even more delicious with this kitchen tip! Try these ooey-gooey mozzarella meatballs with maximum yum factor for dinner tonight.

The clever trick that makes the meaty, cheesy wonders a cinch? Mozzarella cheese sticks!

Simply cut up each cheese stick into eight pieces and set aside. Then, choose 20 ounces of the protein of your choice. We recommend extra lean ground turkey breast. Place the meat into a large bowl and add ¼ cup of egg whites, ¼ cup oat flour or bread crumbs, ½ cup onion, ½ cup chopped spinach, ½ tablespoon minced garlic, ½ teaspoon garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste.

Mix the ingredients together thoroughly. We recommend nature’s tool — your hands — but use whatever works best for you. Next, take a cookie scoop (or plain ol’ spoon) and scoop out some of the meat mixture. Flatten it out in the palm of your hand and place one of the cheese cubes you cut earlier in the center. Mold the meat around the cheese, careful to pinch any open areas closed to avoid cheese-ooze, and place the meatball onto a greased baking dish.

Bake in an oven pre-heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes until the meat is cooked through. With a pair of tongs, flip your meatballs half way through cooking time to ensure even cooking.

Once finished, slice into to your meatballs and enjoy the cheesy goodness!

Note: Higher fat content = more ooze; lower fat content = less ooze. Both are just as delicious!

Serve right away with pasta or marinara sauce or refrigerate and warm up later. You’re welcome!

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