An orb-shaped object very quickly moves into the frame, vanishes then comes back. It is apparently not unusual to have unexplained activity in this museum.
Charlie Morris, who is president of the museum, says that in both instances the air conditioning and lights are turned off. So, there could be no electrical interference. This is truly unexplainable.
Of course, the museum has just moved into a 100 year old building, which used to be the County Records building. Over the years there have been apparently hundreds of sightings of unexplained “encounters”.
No one can explain it. Orbs usually represent ghosts — is it the ghost of early astronauts coming back to see that their objects are being well taken care of? Or did the objects attach themselves to something “in space” while they were there? Is this our first encounter with an alien being?
Well, no matter what it is, everyone is happy to talk about and give their opinion. Only time will tell if it is intelligent, or just someone poking themselves in to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. What do you think it is?
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