Moms are so important, but it can be easy to take them for granted at times. They are involved in every aspect of their children’s lives and undertake one of the hardest jobs known to man. For that reason, they should be treated with all of the love and respect in this world each and every day. Two mothers decided to remind the world of their importance in a very hilarious way.
“Straight out of Walmart,” starts the accurate comedic rap that takes on the day to day of motherhood, set to the tune of Alicia Keys’ hit, ‘This Girl is on Fire.’ Whether it’s slathering on Vicks VapoRub in the middle of the night or flashing the “mom look” in the rearview mirror when the kids are acting up in the backseat, I suspect every mother will recognize herself somewhere in these lyrics.
As the rapping mothers visit the highs and lows of motherhood from a comedic viewpoint, they do not waver at their love for their children and how well they get the job done. The added addition of the R&B singer made it all the more special. These mothers are on fire!
What do you think about these rapping moms? Share your own stories, but first please SHARE the love, pass it on.