He’s Supposed To Be Sleeping. What He’s Doing Instead Will Have You Cracking Up!

Nap Protest

He’s Supposed To Be Sleeping. What He’s Doing Instead Will Have You Cracking Up!

Bethany Burrows

Video baby monitors are the greatest invention for parents. It’s easy to keep an eye on your little one while they nap or play and you need to get other things done.

However, these parents were in for quite the surprise when they decided to take a look at their baby monitor.

Their little boy, Jude, was supposed to be fast asleep for his afternoon nap, but he just wasn’t in the mood! Once they see what he’s really doing, they can’t help but laugh!

They caught their sweet little baby avoiding nap time by diving face first into his mattress over and over and over again. The little tyke seemed to be having the time of his life and was not sleeping AT ALL! Thank goodness mom and dad were able to catch this hilarious clip!

Watch this hilarious video below and make sure to SHARE the love and pass it on!