Forget The Nap, These Kids Just Want To Party!

Nap Time Party

Forget The Nap, These Kids Just Want To Party!

Erika Carter

Have you ever wondered what babies do when you aren’t around?

Well this mom suspected that nap time wasn’t going how it should and set up some cameras to see what was happening.

Mariah and Beckham were both supposed to be napping but the moment they heard the door close Mariah’s head pops up. She’s looking around to see if Beckham is also more interested in playing than napping … he is!

Although we can’t understand most of what they say, these two seem to have a language of their own! Now that they know mom is gone, the nap time party starts! They have toys, drinks and apparently the ability to climb out of their crib!

These two play like no one is watching but little do they know, their fun and games will soon be over because they’re on camera! What is the craziest thing your kids have done during nap time? SHARE the love and pass it on!