Pittsburg Steelers’ DeAngelo Williams Will Pay For 53 Mammograms To Honor His Late Mother

Pittsburg Steelers’ DeAngelo Williams Will Pay For 53 Mammograms To Honor His Late Mother

Jamaica Bravo

DeAngelo Williams was always close with his mother. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, the famous NFL running back took it very hard. He began advocating for breast cancer awareness and did whatever he could to help his mom out financially. But tragically, this last year, his mother, Sandra Hill, lost her battle against cancer. When she died, her 32-year-old Pittsburgh Steelers son was devastated.

He continued supporting the fight against breast cancer wherever he could, and began wearing pink, the official color, in representation. But according to NBC Sports, Williams’ bosses have informed him that he won’t be allowed to continue wearing pink ribbons after the month of October. Apparently, since this month is breast cancer awareness month, the NFL is selling all sorts of pink products at consumers, and for this reason, and this reason alone, has allowed their players to also wear pink accessories. But Troy Vincent, the vice president of football operations told Williams that when November rolls around, he will have to stop wearing pink, and there will be absolutely no exceptions to this rule.

DeAngelo Williams isn’t going to let this stop him, however. If he can’t continue support breast cancer on the job, he’s decided he will use his own time and money outside of work hours to continue his cause.

The football player, who spent almost a decade working for the Carolina Panthers before he moved to Pittsburgh, has made a stunningly generous decision. Williams has declared that he will pay out of pocket for 53 North Carolina women, who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford a screening, to get mammograms. A mammogram, which is the best way to prevent breast cancer deaths, costs at least $243 dollars in most states.



Williams knows that for someone who doesn’t have insurance or much money, this might be an extra expense that they would avoid, despite the fact that it could be the key to saving their lives. And why 53 women, you ask? Because that’s how many years of life his mother was granted. Wow. What a sweet and magnanimous man. His mother would be so proud if she could see him now.

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