When He Noticed The Dog Was Upset, This Little Dog-Sitter Knew Exactly What To Do

When He Noticed The Dog Was Upset, This Little Dog-Sitter Knew Exactly What To Do

Kendall Conners

Dog-sitting can be hard. When a pup misses their owner, there’s not much you can do to cheer them up. You can try and distract them with food, let them run around in the backyard or console them with toys.

This gloomy dog missed his family so much, he couldn’t be bothered by anything else. He sat quietly by the door and stared out the window, waiting longingly for his owners to return.

When little Jack noticed how sad the dog looked, he quickly made his way to its side. Patting the pup on his head and offering some reassuring words, the little boy gives us all a lesson on how to comfort a dog in need.

If this precious video isn’t just about the cutest thing you’ve seen all day, I’d be surprised!

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