Little Girl Only Had a Short Time in This World, But She Saved Lives By Donating Her Organs

Little Girl Only Had a Short Time in This World, But She Saved Lives By Donating Her Organs

Angela Markus

Olivia Swedberg was an amazing little girl that had no idea that her life was going to end so shortly, but in this short time she did something incredible. Olivia was diagnosed with a terminal form of brain cancer that has a survival rate of zero percent.

Her parents knew that she had a limited time left with them so they made every day as special as they could for their little girl, taking her on trips to places such as Disney World in order to make the best memories for the entire family.

As Olivia’s condition got worse, Lauressa Swedberg received a message on Facebook from another parent whose child was fighting a terminal illness. She learned about Lucas Goeller who was born with a severe liver disease and in order to survive, he needed a liver transplant or else he would only have a few weeks left to live.

Lauressa, Olivia’s mother, shared that while the Goeller family sent their condolences they felt as if there was a bigger picture for Olivia’s life and the things that she could do to help others.

After discussing it, they made an organ transfer for Lucas and he received Olivia’s liver shortly after the Swedberg family set up a direct organ donation.

This wasn’t the only life that Olivia saved. Four-year-old Angelo Giorno was dealing with short bowel syndrome. Olivia donated her small intestine to Angelo in order to aid with his illness.

This is a story that is sure to remind you of the beauty of life and the unexpected blessings that are within it. SHARE the love and pass it on.