Lighters are one of those essential household items with endless uses. If you have ever made a trip to a smoke shop, you might have been amazed at the prices of some lighters. They can be quite costly. Geez! But nothing beats a good old fashion disposable Bic lighter that is dirt cheap and handy. Okay, maybe a box of matches, but even that runs out. I bet you did not know that those disposable Bic lighters are refillable. Oh yes, they are! Follow along to this tutorial for a trick that is sure to save you tons of dollars and allow you to use that same lighter over and over again.
YouTube user lvl3talhead shows us the coolest way to refill Bic lighters. First, he takes a small screwdriver and unhinges the one screw that holds the lighter together. Then he taps it out. He then takes a flat screwdriver and passes it along the seam of the lighter to pry it open.
He removes the reservoir from inside to lighter to reveal a lighter that looks very similar to that of a cigarette lighter. He takes a new cigarette lighter and dissembles it by removing the top. Then he transfers the spring, jet and fork from the old lighter to the new lighter. He inserts the new lighter into the frame of the Bic screws and reseals.
Who knew it was that easy?
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