With One Simple Gesture, This Child Helps His Best Friend With Cancer In More Ways Than He Realizes!

With One Simple Gesture, This Child Helps His Best Friend With Cancer In More Ways Than He Realizes!

Ashley Rego

First graders, Zach and Vincent, individually are two bundles of joy and together, the absolute best of friends. With constant smiles on their faces and nonstop eruptions of giggles, recently, the boys were given news that left them with little to laugh about.  After feeling ill and tired for weeks, Zach was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, an aggressive cancer of the white blood cells.

While everyone was devastated by the news, Zach kept his spirits high, never even missing a day of school despite constant trips to the hospital. Immediately wanting to get involved with his best friends recovery, Vincent began asking questions and actively learning about Zach’s disease. When he discovered how expensive Zach’s treatments actually were, Vincent decided to figure out a way to help his friend, financially.

He began making and selling scarves, eventually raising over $200. But then, when Vincent heard that Zach would probably lose his hair from chemotherapy treatments, he did the unthinkable! Vincent shaved his own head! When asked why, Vincent replied matter-of-factly, “so Zach doesn’t feel like the only one without any hair!”

He may be young, but this little first grader is teaching us all the most important lessons of friendship! SHARE this heartwarming story with everyone you know!