Two Paddle Boarders Came VERY Close To a Great White Shark Off The Coast Of Huntington Beach, CA!

Two Paddle Boarders Came VERY Close To a Great White Shark Off The Coast Of Huntington Beach, CA!

Kendall Conners

Nothing says summertime like a trip to the beach! The sun on your skin, sand between your toes, saltwater in your hair — life doesn’t get much better than that!

Although beach days are what I look forward to most when the weather starts to warm up, I always am a little leery when it comes to the water. There can be strong currents, huge waves and you never really know what critters are lurking beneath the water.

Movies like “Jaws” don’t really help this type of fear or paranoia either! Nine times out of 10, you’re totally fine and safe in the big blue ocean. But the two paddle boarders in the video below show us that there is that one-percent chance you’ll be swimming next to something you’d rather not be.

These two guys were out on their paddleboards off the coast of Huntington Beach, Calif. Luckily, they both had GoPros because they were able to capture this terrifying and amazing footage!

Swimming right next to and underneath their boards was a giant great white shark! This shark wasn’t off in the distance, it was RIGHT next to them, and these guys were pretty close to shore too.

Given the fact that this shark was basically circling them, these two guys remained cool and calm. The shark also didn’t really seem to be interested in the paddle boarders — it was swimming along minding its own business.

I would FREAK out if this happened to me! What would YOU do in this situation?!

Watch the video below and SHARE with your friends to see what they think!