This Hair Trend Will Give You Fuller, Thicker-Looking Braids

This Hair Trend Will Give You Fuller, Thicker-Looking Braids

Angela Markus

Braids are one of those hairstyles that never seems to grow old. Throughout the history of glamour, it has been riding the ebb and flow of the beauty trend wave.

With so many women opting for plaited tresses these days, it would seem that this hairdo is not going anywhere anytime soon.

There is a new trend called “pancaking,” that has been explosive on Pinterest. Its popularity is warranted because it is sure to transform that long, flowing mane into beautiful, thick braids.

To pancake your braids, first make a thin braid.

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Then grab the outside edge and give it a little tug with your thumb and pointer fingers.

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What that does is swell out the braid, making it appear fuller and flatter, giving the illusion that it is bigger. I assume this is how the trend got its name. The farther out you pull out the braid, the easier it will be to pancake.

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You can make the pancake fluff as big or as little as you want. This style of braiding typically works better on longer hair.

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So if you desire to replicate Elsa’s ‘do, try this trend!

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