These Parents Got Into a Sticky Situation When They Tried To Name Their Baby After THIS!

These Parents Got Into a Sticky Situation When They Tried To Name Their Baby After THIS!

Kendall Conners

When two people to decide to start a family and find out their pregnant, it’s one of the greatest moments of their lives. From that point on the planning begins. During this nesting period one of the toughest decisions parents can make is what they’re going to name their baby. A name shapes the identity of their future child’s life so it’s a HUGE decision!

But sometimes parents can get a little too … creative … when it comes to names. We’ve all heard of celebrities naming their babies strange things like Blue Ivy, North West, and Apple. But have you ever heard of parents wanting to name their baby after a popular food?!

Parents in France wanted to name their baby after this popular Italian spread, but a judge stepped in. He feared the child would be mocked too much if it were named this, so he simply overruled it.

Apparently in France, if parents try to name their kid something too ‘weird’ a judge has the power to shoot the name down. This recent case has sparked some controversy and led to some nutty headlines.

What do you think of this French policy? Would you allow a judge to decide your baby’s name for you? Please watch this ridiculous video and SHARE!