They’ve Been Searching For Their Daughter Brianna Herrmann For Five Weeks And Asking For Your Help!

They’ve Been Searching For Their Daughter Brianna Herrmann For Five Weeks And Asking For Your Help!

Genevieve Lopez

Brianna Hermann is your average teenager. She loves fashion, school, and hanging out with her friends on the weekend.

Like most parents, Rhona and Brian Kauffman always worried about their outgoing 15-year-old daughter, but never expected her to get involved in any danger.

But on April 29th, their biggest nightmare came true when she snuck out of her San Diego home, took her parent’s car and vanished. She left behind her wallet, retainer, and kidney medication, leaving her parents to believe she intended to return home and is now being held against her will.


A few days later, the car was impounded by Los Angeles police. It was abandoned with no trace of Brianna’s whereabouts. Police are now investigating this as a missing persons case since one of Brianna’s friends received a Snapchat and text from Brianna saying she was being held captive in a Los Angeles home. Unfortunately, a police raid on the location didn’t lead to any signs of her or where she might be.


The person Brianna Herrmann was last seen with was 20-year-old alleged drug dealer Timothy “Dean” Rivera. He is also known for taking young girls and having them prostitute for his benefit. Brianna met Timothy four weeks prior on the beach one afternoon, where he told her that he “loved her,” according to a friend who was with Brianna at the time.



It has been five weeks since Rhona and Brian last saw their daughter, but have since received repost of sightings, all leading to inaccurate locations.

Rhona, however, isn’t planning on leaving all the searching to the police. She’s taken seven weeks off from her job to dedicate every waking hour to finding her beloved daughter. She’s launched a social media campaign entitled HelpFindBriannaHermann and offered a $10,000 reward for anyone who is able to locate Brianna.

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In addition to posting pictures of their daughter on Facebook, Rhona and Brian have also posted appeals on YouTube, like the one below.

Friends have set up a GoFundMe page to help the family with costs associated with Brianna’s search.

“I can never give up, I never will,” Rhona told Dateline. “I have to get her back. A mother never gives up.”

Please keep Brianna and her family in your prayers and SHARE.