This New Mother Received An Uplifting Surprise On Her Car

This New Mother Received An Uplifting Surprise On Her Car

Angela Markus

For a new mother, it is very hard to imagine having to visit your newborn in the hospital. One stranger decided to lessen this mother’s load, and the random act has totally restored our faith in humanity.

The unbelievable weight of having a sick child was not the only issue this young mother had to contend with. Upon leaving the Canberra Hospital, emotionally shattered and drained from spending days in the hospital with her baby, she was greeted with a parking ticket.

However, an unknown stranger had paid the expense for the mother. Now, she is thanking the stranger with a heartwarming note, which she posted online.

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A note left on the mother’s car along with the ticket explained a woman -known only as Laura- had paid the fine for her. The note read, “Hi there, I saw your car had a parking ticket on it, I’m sure whatever you are going through at hospital is tough enough, so I have paid for you.” Laura also wrote the payment receipt and other information on the note, before signing off with, “I hope things get better!

The new mom later shared all the uplifting details of the chance encounter on the Facebook page, Canberra Mums. She said, “I hope that Laura sees this and knows how much I appreciate her support.”

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