A Stranger Parked In Her Spot, And Then Gave Her An Unexpected Surprise

A Stranger Parked In Her Spot, And Then Gave Her An Unexpected Surprise

Angela Markus

If you don’t have your own driveway, then you know all too well that finding a place to park is always a task. Thank goodness some places have assigned parking, but then again, there are some people who do not respect that.

Showing kindness to a parking lot thief would be a hard task for many of us to master. One woman did, and she was rewarded in the most unexpected of ways.

When one woman was forced to park on the street with no permit, she received a ticket she could not afford. Instead of acting a fool, she left a rather civilized note for the stranger who stole her parking space.

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The note she left to the stranger read:

“Hey Stranger,

Because you were parked in my spot last night (and still are??), I got a ticket for street parking overnight w/out a permit. I’m broke. These are privately owned spots, and I could have you ticketed + towed. I won’t, but please don’t park in my spot again.”

The next morning the woman was left in awe. She found an envelope with a note on her own car that read:

“First I would like to apologize for parking in your spot. It was irresponsible on my part and I would like to give this to you to pay for the ticket and whatever else you need. It can be tough around this time of year. Merry Christmas — the a**hole who parked in your spot.”

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To the woman’s surprise, inside the envelope there was 5 $20 bills from the stranger. If all parking matters had a similar ending, the world would be a better place, right?

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